Sunday School
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6, ESV
At IPC Hebron, it is our goal to provide Christian education opportunities for spiritual growth to all who seek knowledge and to cultivate leaders to be witnesses for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Our desire is to draw individuals into a relationship with the Lord and challenge them to grow as believers through life-changing Bible studies presented by teachers who are Christ-centered and people-oriented. We are so glad that you have found us!
Our Vision:
Teaching children God's Holy Word with love will lead to lives rooted in Christ.
The mission of the Sunday School program at IPC Hebron is to equip every child with God's Word to live and advocate transformed lives. This is accomplished by teaching all the books of the Bible through the student's elementary, middle, and high school years, paying keen attention to the student’s aptitude and church tradition. The acquisition of God's Word prepares every student for a lifelong leading of the Holy Spirit
What we Offer:
Biblical Training
Teacher workshops
Meet the Teacher day
Jr. Choir singing opportunities
Morning devotionals led by 7-12th grade students
End of School Year anniversary program
Classes & Schedule:
We offer Sunday School Classes for children 2 years all the way to senior adulthood. Our classes are offered every Sunday morning from 9:15-10:30 am.
9:15 am - Worship & Devotion
9:30 am - Sunday Class
The Sunday School program covers the whole Bible in cycles corresponding to grade divisions in elementary, middle, and high school.
Take a look at our scope & sequence below